
She is telling 5 reasons why to choose Milan

milano07I studied fashion in Milan at Domus Academy so since i finished my studies I share my time between Milan and Budapest. I work with Italian agency, manufacturers and produce in Italy and I love Italy and Italian people, culture. A few weeks ago somebody jocked that I became half Italian 🙂 My favourite places are Milan, Florance, Rome, Budapest, Transylvania, Tokyo and New York. It is hard to choose 5 best things in Milan, because there are so many…


1. Fashion

I think Italians do it better in fashion, when I was a kid the first designer whose designs made me happy was Gianni Versace and he is still my nr 1 fashion icon. meeting people from fashion industry I respect, doing interesting projects



2. Nightlife and clubbing

Aperitivo and party



3. My Milan heroes

I love the police cars, carabinieri, cleaning cars, and people who work at night on keeping the order, cleanness of the city, or just repair something. when i go home at night after party and the streets are empty and i see these people working for the city it makes me calm and happy, I really love them, they are my heroes



4. Fellini atmosphere and looking for the great beauty…

The best moments are unplanned and things just happens. i like this Fellini moments when everything is film like and perfect. This happens quite often in Milan….like just listening to the big old church bells on my terrace, or just watching a film in the garden of Palazzo Reale, walking in Casa Valsecchi Bagatti



5. Italian car design

Lamborghini, Lancia, Ferrari
